Friday, January 31, 2014

Snowmen - puffy paint snowmen! This is the kids’ favorite snowman project, so far!

My kindergartners LOVED painting snowmen using puffy paint.
How did we make puffy paint?
I mixed half liquid glue and half shaving cream. I gave the kids paintbrushes.
The kids noticed that the puffy paint was different than regular paint and they enjoyed piling the “paint” on their brushes and on their papers.
What did we use?
  • Glue
  • Shaving cream
  • Glitter snow
  • Foam snowflakes
  • Pom-poms for buttons
  • Googly eyes
  • Black construction paper for hats
  • Orange construction paper for carrot noses :)
  • Fleece scarves - I made scarves out of leftover fleece I had at home. I think hats made out of fleece would also be very cute! Maybe next year!

When dry, the puffy paint feels like a sponge/foam. We made these on Friday and let them dry over the weekend before displaying them in the hallway.
I actually had to remove projects off the walls earlier than initially planned since they were a magnet for all other kids walking down the hallway! Everybody wanted to touch them and pinch the foamy/spongy snowmen! HAHA
Check out the pics!
These would be a great topic for a journal entry or to create step by step instructions for others. Great excuse for writing!

Winter Writing and Patterning Fun! CCS Aligned
These interactive and engaging activities are a great addition to your Winter Literacy & Math centers / workshop. Activities can be used as Morning Work or part of the Literacy/ Math centers.
Students work on: improving vocabulary, use their schemata when describing winter related pictures, patterning, improving reading and writing skills, segmenting and blending CVC and CCVC / CVCC words, proper conventions of writing.

Check out my newest product focused on ELA/Literacy and Math concepts. These task cards that I created are all CCSS aligned and offer a fun and interactive way to practice and review important academic concepts.

★Winter Literacy and Math Task Cards. CCS Aligned★
This Winter themed product addresses many Common Core Standards  for both ELA and Math. Students work on important academic concepts such as: beginning letter sounds, rhyming, syllables in words, reading, writing, punctuation/end marks, correcting sentences, segmenting & blending, sight words, comprehension, counting, writing numbers, sorting, subtraction, number partners, word problems for both addition and subtraction.

“Winter Literacy & Math Task Cards. CCS Aligned.” is very useful for whole group instruction, one-on-one, or small group. Also very beneficial for ESL, ELL, Speech, SPED students and homeschoolers.

Snowmen in my window! Painted snowmen project!

Painted Snowmen
We have been creating all kinds of snowmen throughout January.
One project was painting the snowmen and creating a frame so that it looked like an outdoor scene viewed from inside the house. Another fun project that the children enjoyed! Some kids wanted two snowmen, some kids wanted more. Some kids used the paper vertically for “taller snowmen” while others chose to use the paper horizontally. Love how creative the kids are! Their projects always turn out beautiful and unique just like they are!

Check out my newest product focused on ELA/Literacy and Math concepts. These task cards that I created are all CCSS aligned and offer a fun and interactive way to practice and review important academic concepts.

★Winter Literacy and Math Task Cards. CCS Aligned★
This Winter themed product addresses many Common Core Standards  for both ELA and Math. Students work on important academic concepts such as: beginning letter sounds, rhyming, syllables in words, reading, writing, punctuation/end marks, correcting sentences, segmenting & blending, sight words, comprehension, counting, writing numbers, sorting, subtraction, number partners, word problems for both addition and subtraction.

“Winter Literacy & Math Task Cards. CCS Aligned.” is very useful for whole group instruction, one-on-one, or small group. Also very beneficial for ESL, ELL, Speech, SPED students and homeschoolers.
Winter Writing and Patterning Fun! CCS Aligned
These interactive and engaging activities are a great addition to your Winter Literacy & Math centers / workshop. Activities can be used as Morning Work or part of the Literacy/ Math centers.
Students work on: improving vocabulary, use their schemata when describing winter related pictures, patterning, improving reading and writing skills, segmenting and blending CVC and CCVC / CVCC words, proper conventions of writing.
Are you looking for a fun, engaging emergent reader that also teaches pronouns? How about a winter themed emergent reader?
Check this one out:

Winter – Emergent Reader. CCS Aligned

Students practice reading, tracking words, identifying sight words, rhyming, and learning the pronouns he, she, it, we, they.
Students may color each page and add this useful emergent reader to their book collection.
It is important for students to practice reading predictable texts with a familiar pattern. Students feel confident in their abilities as they improve and acquire important academic skills.
Students have the opportunity to understand the correct use of pronouns in given text.
Students replace nouns with correct pronouns.
Students practice writing rhyming words for given pictures.

Snowmen and penguins – handprint projects

Snowmen and penguins – handprint projects

For these two projects, I painted each child’s hand using white paint. We let them dry overnight.
The following day, children used markers to decorate each finger as a penguin (for one project) and as a snowman (for another project). They turned out so cute!
My kids also used cotton balls for snow!
Yes, I call them “my kids” because I love them dearly BUT I know that they are just my classroom kids for the year!
To add a literacy component, kids wrote about winter and snowmen liking the cold. They also wrote about winter being fun!
We reviewed proper conventions of writing, starting with a capital letter, using finger spaces, ending with an end mark, etc.

Check out my newest product focused on ELA/Literacy and Math concepts. These task cards that I created are all CCSS aligned and offer a fun and interactive way to practice and review important academic concepts.

★Winter Literacy and Math Task Cards. CCS Aligned★
This Winter themed product addresses many Common Core Standards  for both ELA and Math. Students work on important academic concepts such as: beginning letter sounds, rhyming, syllables in words, reading, writing, punctuation/end marks, correcting sentences, segmenting & blending, sight words, comprehension, counting, writing numbers, sorting, subtraction, number partners, word problems for both addition and subtraction.

“Winter Literacy & Math Task Cards. CCS Aligned.” is very useful for whole group instruction, one-on-one, or small group. Also very beneficial for ESL, ELL, Speech, SPED students and homeschoolers.
Winter Writing and Patterning Fun! CCS Aligned
These interactive and engaging activities are a great addition to your Winter Literacy & Math centers / workshop. Activities can be used as Morning Work or part of the Literacy/ Math centers.
Students work on: improving vocabulary, use their schemata when describing winter related pictures, patterning, improving reading and writing skills, segmenting and blending CVC and CCVC / CVCC words, proper conventions of writing.

Check out my: “Winter – Number Words 0 to 10. InteractiveActivities. CCS Aligned” (click on the title to go directly to the product page!)

This product is a great addition to your winter themed centers and workshop. Students learn number words 0 to 10, practice counting, one-to-one correspondence, write sentences using the number words 0 to 10, match simple addition and subtraction equations to corresponding number words 0 to 10, use number puzzles for proper sequencing of numbers 0 to 10 and their corresponding number words.Help your children learn number words in a fun and engaging way! This winter themed product offers differentiated, engaging and interactive activities that help children learn number words 0 to 10.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Math Workshop

Today my kindergartners used a couple of new Math workshop activities focused on subtraction and teen numbers. I love using manipulatives to enhance their learning. The children have a better understanding of what I am teaching when they are actively engaged and have their own learning styles addressed. Most are a combination of visual, kinesthetic and linguistic/auditory learners.
For addition and subtraction, we use lots of unifix cubes, counters, and other manipulatives. Children use manipulatives but also write their equations.
I like using different colors for each set so that kids don't mix up their learning materials.
Teen numbers are still tricky. We analyze and use numbers during Calendar routine, through hands-on activities, through music and songs, through engaging and fun activities on the Promethean and through many other math and cross-curricular related activities. We have been working on teen numbers as groups of 10 plus….. (ex: 14=10+4)
PS: Stars are used to cover kids' faces and names, in order to protect their identities!

I can't wait to share with you some of our Winter related projects! More info and lots of pics to come! Please visit often!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Welcome to my blog!
I hope you will find many useful ideas, strategies and products that will enhance your students' learning.
I am a Kindergarten Teacher and I LOVE my job. I work hard to meet all my students' individual needs and LOVE creating products that are beneficial to their learning and understanding of academic concepts taught. 
Please take a minute to read my posts and check out my products. I am sure you will find something you like and that you will successfully use in your own classroom and/or with your own children.
I have lots of ideas and love taking pics of the many activities my students are engaged in. So, consider following my blog or visit often! You may also want to visit my TPT Store board on Pinterest and my TPT store.

Click here for my Pinterest store board: STUDIOUS MAXIMUS!

Click here for my TPT store!

Thank you so much!